Friday, January 22, 2010

Books I Have Read In 2009!

1. Catcher in the Rye/J.D. Salinger
2. Who Moved My Cheese/Spencer Johnson
3. Odd Thomas/Dean Koontz
4. Forever Odd/Dean Koontz
5. The Four Agreements/Don Miguel Ruiz
6. Wooden/ John Wooden
7. The Body (Different Seasons)/Stephen King
8, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (Different Seasons)/Stephen King
9. I Am Legend/Robert Matheson
10. Dead Until Dark/Charlaine Harris
11. Living Dead in Dallas/Charlaine Harris
12. Club Dead/Charlaine Harris
13 Dead to the World/Charlaine Harris
14. Dead as a Doornail/Charlaine Harris
15. Definately Dead/Charlaine Harris
16. All Together Dead/Charlaine Harris
17. From Dead to Worse/Charlaine Harris
18. Dead and Gone/Charlaine Harris
19. Darkly Dreaming Dexter/Jeff Lindsay
20. Dearly Devoted Dexter/Jeff Lindsay
21. Dexter in the Dark/Jeff Lindsay
22. Dexter by Design/Jeff Lindsay

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Update in EJ's life, FINALLY!!!!!

HEY EVERYBODY!!!!! Its been a long time, a little too long. Sorry for the quietness lately, so you all wondering what the heck am i doing, well, im here to tell ya. A lot of things have happened over the two years I have been away from here, but i will narrow it down to the last year. I was at Del Taco working with Amandas sister as a cashier. Amanda moved in last year in February, i am currently unemployed. Last Halloween i was Sweeney Todd and Amanda was Miss Lovett, my sister is having another baby girl named Lucy. I dont have any pics of me or Amanda recently but once we have a new computer and internet I will have pics of our costumes and us and whats going on with Amanda and I. Also, Amanda and I have been raising two white cats named Asher with blue eyes and Quinn with golden amber eyes. We have a lot of pics of them on the computer, but the computer is not working. So once again sorry about the delay i will be more up to date once i have internet and a new computer. Hope to see the Gartlands and the Johnsons soon, and May the Force be with you!!!!